Labour are making things happen. We have the track record of delivering for you.
On Thursday 5th May, elect your local Labour candidate that’s working hard for you.
The Lowest Council Tax in the midlands for 5 years running – and the only council in england to Freeze council tax this year and next.
More green spaces protected than ever before – more Local Nature Reserves, Green guarantee sites & green flag parks – with more to come
Over £50m spent to improve roads and footpaths – the biggest investment since Telford was created
Over £5m to make our streets cleaner, safer and greener – record numbers of enforcement officers and Street cleaning teams
Delivering the best events & leisure service – from the ballon festival to telford carnival from gyms to tree swimming for under 16s and much more !
Spending over £90m outstanding safeguarding children and adult services – the best in the West Midlands